Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama: Free Speech Under Attack

First, we saw what happened when "Joe the Plumber" deigned to ask Obama a tough question.

We know that Obama and the Democrats want to shut down talk radio using the "Fairness" Doctrine.

We know that Obama has turned to the Justice Department to criminalize campaign speech from Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin.

Now, Barbara West, a reporter at WFTV in Orlando, Florida, is feeling the wrath of the Obama campaign for asking tough questions.

West asked simple but tough questions of Sen. Joe Biden relating to Obama's own words, Biden's own words, and Obama's own policies.

She brought up issues that many people, including myself, have wondered about Obama and his policies.

Did Biden answer the questions? Yes, but not truthfully.

Is Obama a benefactor to ACORN? How is he a benefactor? quips Biden. Namely, Obama helped ACORN by giving $830,000 to the organization for "lighting" and "staging." Lie #1. (This answer by Obama was a lie, too; he "corrected" the record to show the money was for get-out-the-vote efforts.)

Is Obama practicing Marxism in his desire to "spread the wealth"? Are you joking? Is this a joke? He is not talking about spreading the wealth, retorts Biden. Lie #2. He said those very words a few weeks ago, and made inferences to this back in 2001 also.

You said... the world will test Barack Obama. Everyone has acknowledged...the United States is going to be tested, whether it's John McCain or Barack Obama. Lie #3. In his own words, the world will test Obama; he has says nothing about testing McCain.

John McCain was wrong on Iraq, Biden challenges. Obama was right. Lie #4. Obama opposed the surge and said it was not working. So far, the surge has been working. McCain supported it; Obama opposed it. (Good luck finding his opposition to the surge on his Web site.)

What do you say to the people who think that Barack Obama wants to turn the US into a socialist country. I don't know anybody who thinks that... Biden reports. You need to get out more, Joe, and get among the "real" people out there.

For her efforts, the Obama campaign has canceled any future appearances from the campaign, including a scheduled appearance by Biden's wife.

I ask again, why does Obama want to stifle free speech? Why does Obama want to avoid answering questions?

If Obama and his associates will not answer simple questions about his policies -- and the candidates' own words -- what will they do if Obama gets into a scandal? How forthcoming will Obama be if he gets tough questions about a real crisis.

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