Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Criticizes His Own Economic Policy

Barack Obama has proposed an economic policy that he lambasted as disastrous just a few months ago.

When Hillary Clinton proposed a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures in March 2008, Obama called her plan disastrous and suggested that it would reward people who made this problem worse and benefit banks that profit from high mortgage rates.

However, yesterday, a mere 7 months later, Obama has proposed -- you guessed it -- a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures.

Obama believes that banks participating in the federal bailout should temporarily postpone foreclosures for families making good-faith efforts to pay their mortgage."

And, precisely what does good-faith effort mean? Who knows?

It's rather like Obama saying he will bring the U.S. troops home responsibly. Whatever that means.

Obama says the nation needs a new ethic of responsibility, unless of course, you are responsible for paying your mortgage, in which case you will be off the hook.

Maybe Obama should switch his motto to The Change-of-Mind You Can Believe In.

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