Thursday, October 30, 2008

Campaign 2008: An Open Message to Obama's Young Supporters

It took me a long time to understand why the youth in this country have so readily embraced Sen. Barack Obama's vague promises of "hope" and "change."

It took me a while, but I think I know part of the reason for your unyielding admiration for this man: many of you have never been disappointed by a politician before.

A large number of you are following a political race closely for the first time. You have never seen a politician make promises or instill faith only to see those promises ignored and that faith broken.

Many of you were not yet born to witness Richard Nixon's crimes and cover-up.

You did not hear Jimmy Carter's similar pledge of hope and change yield one of the most ineffectual presidents in our country's history.

You may have been only infants when conservative icon Ronald Reagan got involved in the Iran-Contra scandal.

You could have been in grade school when we all read George H.W. Bush's lips only to see him raise taxes anyway.

You were not paying attention to Bill Clinton's promise of middle-class tax relief only to see him institute the largest tax increase in this country's history -- a tax increase that hit virtually every tax payer.

You might not have heard George Bush announce his "compassionate conservative" credentials, only to build a liberal-leaning administration of bigger government, expanding programs, and nation-building.

To the youth in this country, please do not fall for Obama's shell game, his pyramid scheme of an economic policy that will hurt this nation.

You did not see H.W. Bush's tax increase have no effect on the recession of the late 1980's/early 1990's.

You did not see Clinton's massive tax increase continue to stretch that recession for a few further years.

Raising taxes and restricting free trade during a recession will hurt this economy; it will not help!

Reagan instituted a massive tax cuts package (slashing the capital gains tax) that finally kick-started the Ford/Carter recession into an economic bump we are still in today.

The U.S. Congress in 1995 cut income taxes and reversed Clinton's capital gains tax increase to eradicate the Bush/Clinton recession, finally.

It is true, these tax cuts did go to the "wealthy" more than others; but the cuts also helped stop two recessions and everyone benefitted in the long run.

I graduated college in 1990 and stepped into a recession. I took my honors degree to a job at a gas station and as a security officer at a local hotel. It wasn't until after the tax cuts in the mid-1990s did the economy come back and I was able to find a job where I could use my degree.

Do not fall for Obama's used-car salesman techniques. If he implements his plans, the economy will suffer, and you will too.

You do not need to vote for McCain, vote against Obama and his policies that are doomed to fail and will doom this country.

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