Monday, October 6, 2008

Finanaical Bailout Has Remarkable Effect on Economy

Well, it's a damn fine thing we passed that $700 Billion "bail-out" measure last week. It has had a remarkable impact.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped nearly 800 points to 9561.32. The first time the average fell below 10,000 since 2004.

The credit markets and banks are still not loaning money; banks are begging for cash from the government (that means you and me!), in the form of $900 billion in "loans;" and individual states are coming forward for "bailouts" (everything starts in California).

I don't know what that all really means, but it ain't good.

This guy knows what this really means, and he agrees with me:

“Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now, this week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market right now.”

But, have no fear, gentle readers, President Bush tells us everything is hunky-dory, it is just "going to take awhile."

So, as long as you don't plan on retiring in the next couple of years, you might be OK.

So, thanks Barney Frank, et. al. You really saved the day this time.

And you want these guys running healthcare in this country????

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