Friday, October 3, 2008

John McCain the Hypocrite or Did He Blow It Big Time??

For a candidate who has built his presidential campaign on fighting earmarks and other bits of political pork-barrel spending, John McCain is either a hypocrite or missed a huge opportunity by voting for this nightmare of a "economic recovery" package.

As I have railed at before, and again, and yet again, this recovery package is one part economic fixes and three parts "crap sandwich."


This document was a giant 450 pages earmark!

It might have been a cynical maneuver, but it would have won McCain big points had he stood up and said NO!. He could easily have done some quiet internal polls of his senate brethren, determined that it would pass easily, then came out and screamed about the pork.

I cannot, in good conscience, vote for the bill in its current condition. This goes well beyond economic recovery to include some of the most opportunistic hand-outs to special interests and pounds of irrelevant pork! Fellow Senators, give me a clean economic recovery bill and I will support it! In its current form I cannot!

How hard would that have been?

Has "The Maverick" been tamed? Is this race over?

A huge opportunity missed to help prevent the utterance of the following: President Barack Obama.

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