Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How Wind Farms will Save Wall Street

Can someone please explain to me what wind farms, geothermal heat pumps, steel industry fuel, and energy efficient properties will help bail out Wall Street?

The U.S. Senate thinks they can.

Senate Bill H.R. 1424 is loaded with tax breaks for green-friendly projects such as renewable energy, electricity produced from marine renewables, and coal gasification investments.

There is one section authorizing $1.5 trillion dollars to see how the tax code can be used to reduce greenhouse gasses (pg 180)!

And, I know the Wall Street tumble has people going crazy, but will investigating disparities in mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits (pg 342) really save people who cannot pay their mortgage?

Well, if someone loses their home, they can be assured that the Senate is fighting to renew the The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, and pump an additional $500 million into the program (pg 344).

I called Senator Ted Kennedy's office to register my alarm for all these extraneous-seeming items, and was told only that "the Senator does not agree with all sections" of the bill; but, the bailout is so important that he might be forced to vote for it regardless.

If the bailout is so important, why the hell is this crap in there to begin with??

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