Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama Admits His Socialist/Marxist Policies

As I told you several weeks ago, Sen. Barack Obama is finally coming to terms with his Marxist/Socialist tendencies.

In a now-famous conversation with gentlemen come to be known as "Joe the Plumber," Obama said this:
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

Well, not exactly. That was Karl Marx, the philosopher upon whose thinking Communism has developed. Barack is not that far away from Marx.

Joe, it seems, wants to buy the plumbing business where he has worked. However, he fears, in his new position, Obama's tax plans would cost Joe dearly.

It's not that I want to punish your success, Obama told Joe. But, Obama will punish Joe anyway.

This country was was built and has thrived on individuals who work hard and take chances. Obama wants to punish those individuals for those very actions.

I don't mind paying a little more (in taxes), Obama told the crowd at the third presidential debate. Good for you, Barack. You do that; you pay more and leave the rest of us alone. That is what charities are for. Of course, Barack don't know much about charity.

At least no one can question Obama's patriotism!

I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody, he told Joe.

Obama is finally admitting -- in his own words -- that he wants to take money from people who are successful and give it to those who are less-so.

Maybe we should leave Joe alone and let him spread his wealth to his employees for putting in a hard day's work instead of turning the "wealth" over to the government to distribute as they see fit!

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

Or, to think of it in another way: Those who can, pay more taxes; those who can't, get more handouts.

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