Friday, October 17, 2008

"Joe the Plumber" Gets Trashed for Daring to Challenge Obama

First Palin, Now Joe the Plumber

This will teach anyone about speaking out against the Anointed One Barack Obama.

After Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was added to the Republican ticket, every aspect of her life was ravaged by the left-wing, from her hobbies to her children. Every manner of vicious lie, hateful allegation, ludicrous rumor, and demented fantasy was spun about her and her family. She was ravaged by the press, musicians, (so-called) comedians, and every other left-wing Obama advocate.

Enter Joe the Plumber. An average Joe; just another typical white person, no doubt, who had the nerve to challenge his Highness asking questions about Obama's policies and actually challenging answers.

Now, the media mavens who have tired of lying about Palin are in full-on offensive mode against Joe. They are digging into his taxes, his profession, his income, his voter registration status, his family ties, and anything else they can get their hands on. Is anyone watching Joe's trash barrels?

"Reporters camped out by his house overnight and by mid-morning there were 21 people on his driveway surrounding him, holding cameras and notebooks," reports Only 21 people? Obama alone sent more than 30 people to dig through Palin's trash.

"I don’t have any Joe the Plumbers in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year..." sneered Joe Biden, Obama's running mate, clearly not understanding that the business Joe wanted to buy would earn that much, not Joe himself.

“How many plumbers do you know making a quarter of a million dollars a year?” chortled Obama, continuing to spread the falsehood.

The McCain camp rallied to Joe's defense: "This is why voters still have so many questions about Barack Obama. Instead of answering tough questions, his campaign attacks average Americans for daring to look at the reality behind his words," said Tucker Bounds, spokesman the McCain-Palin campaign.

Whether Joe was a GOP plant or a real person with real questions, he is talking for all of us in Middle America. He is asking the questions and making the statements far too many of us are unwilling to make. Obama's casual dismissal of Joe shows his disdain for the common folk.

Who would you rather have in the White House? Obama who ridicules a hard-worker like Joe because he doesn't agree with Obama? Or, John McCain who rushes to Joe's defense and supports people who ask the hard questions.

First Obama wants to punish Joe's success; now Obama is going to punish Joe for asking him a question.

If Joe the Plumber can't ask a critical question of Obama, who can? Will this full-on assault be launched on anyone who dares question a President Obama? If a politician stand up and challenge a policy, will his career be done? Will talk radio be shut down by the "Fairness Doctrine?" Where is the evidence to the contrary?

Is this really the America you want?

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