Sunday, March 28, 2010

Columnist Frank Rich Shows Why Liberals will Lose Big in November

In what is one of the most revolting and pointless and wrong columns I have read in a while, celebrated Liberal wordsmith Frank Rich goes completely off the rails in an offensively ignorant rant about those who would deign oppose Obama.

Rich tells us in his typically even-keeled style that a frothing and filibustering Karl Rove all but lost it in a debate with the Obama strategist David Plouffe. Of course, in Rich's eyes, ardent opposition makes one "frothing and filibustering," but Plouffe only gets the respectful title of "strategist."

Rich does not let a paragraph go by without dropping an insulting remark about Obama's opponents as he regurgitates every lie and distortion about both the health care "reform" bill and anyone who should deign to disagree.

Rich refers to "goons (who) hurl venomous slurs at congressmen" outside the Capitol last week. That simply didn't happen. There is not one shred of evidence anywhere to support it. Andrew Brietbert offered to donate $10,000 if anyone comes forward with video or audio proof. None has come forth, but the Left continue with the lie.

Rich continues the misinformation citing the Congressman who shouted “baby killer” during last Sunday's session. Wrong again. Randy Neugebauer said -- not that he should have -- that the bill is a baby killer, not Bart Stupak. Neugebauer even apologized for the outburst, but Rich doesn't bother to mention this.

Between calling all Tea Partiers a "mob," and tossing out the typical suggestion that we all are racist because we don't care that Obama is black, like Rich, or that we don't count Congresspeople by race and gender, like Rich, the writer finally gets around to telling us why we are so angry with the current administration:
The conjunction of a black president and a female speaker of the House — topped off by a wise Latina on the Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee chairman — would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were in play.
Oh. Thanks Frank. I thought I opposed the health care "reform" because it was extra-Constitutional and would bankrupt the country.

I am glad Frank knows what I think better than I do. After all, if I opposed this bill because it extended the reach of government beyond what the Framers foresaw, it would be an argument framed in constitutional pieties. And, we certainly wouldn't want a piece of paper to get in the way of "progress," now would we.

In all, this column is an excellent example of why the Democrats are going to lose BIG in the elections this fall. They have no clue what it is the American people think and frankly don't care (pun intended). They are right, we are wrong, and that is that.

Keep it up, Liberals. Please.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Health Care Vote Really Was Historic!!

The Liberals like to tell us that Sunday's vote on health care "reform" was historic. They are right.

Never before has the U.S. Congress voted on a bill so massive, so intrusive, that affects every person in the United States, all the while showing absolute contempt for the will of the American people and a total disdain for the voices of opposition.

Never before has Congress been so blatantly corrupt, so nakedly unashamed (and even proud!) of the backroom deals, bribery, threats, and extortion that were all required to get this bill passed by the slimmest of margins.

It was an historic event.

Hurricane Katrina was historic, too. As was 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Nixon's resignation, Clinton's impeachment, and the Mura building bombing.

Historic does not necessarily mean good for America.

With the health care "reform" bill, we saw an historic abdication of responsibility, an historic display of hubris and political self-gratification, an historic corruption of the American political process, and an historic shift in the government/populace relationship that might be forever damaged.

John Boehner was right, Democrats; you should be ashamed of yourselves.

I know I am ashamed of you.