Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama and His Associations - A Case in Poor Judgment

We have all heard the names Jeremiah Wright, the patently anti-American, racist preacher; William Ayers, the patently anti-American, unrepentant domestic-terrorist murderer; the left-wing radicalism of the "community" group ACORN; and Sen. Barack Obama's association with each.

I am less concerned at the moment about what-he-knew-and-when-he-knew-it about these Obama associates. And I don't think that associating with these groups makes Obama a racist, bigoted, domestic terrorist, community group.

What bothers me -- and should bother ALL Americans -- is that Obama is a blatant political opportunist, a terrible judge of character and/or a patent liar.

Worse than Obama's knowing what these parties stand for and working with them anyway, or worse than his not knowing, is that Obama didn't care what these parties stood for.

I believe that Obama saw opportunities through each of these connections to advance his political career and did not concern himself with what these parties preached nor how his association could help.

About Wright, Obama contends that he never knew about Wright's proclivities, despite their 20-year relationship.

"The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign."

What does that say about Obama? How can you not know the hate-filled opinions of someone you've known for 20 years? Someone who is a professional public speaker, and apparently airs his hateful views frequently and with great pride (and on DVD!).

I contend that Obama associated himself with Wright and his church to establish his street cred. Remember, here is a guy who was born to a white mother, raised by his "typical white person" grandmother, and a product of Ivy League schools. He would seem to be a guy who would want for something to establish a connection with the South Side of Chicago. What better than a race-baiting, hate-monger?

And, how could Obama just get up and walk out, as so many detractors have criticized him for not doing? Walking out would have offended Wright, who would likely have the power to hurt Obama's political aspirations. So, Obama put his political gain over doing the right thing, stated with this anti-American preacher so as not to offend someone who could help him.

Obama's associated with ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a community-based organization. In addition to legitimate advocacy, ACORN is known for staging boisterous protests.

Among their initiatives, ACORN became involved in pushing the very type of mortgages to low-income borrowers that had a large impact in the current Wall Street crisis.

Obama was a trainer for ACORN, teaching ACORN tactics in voter registration drives. Interestingly, the organization is being investigated for massive voter registration fraud, including claims of signing-up an entire professional football team multiple times, registering non-existent people, and paying people to repeatedly register in dozens of communities.

Again, I believe that Obama sought out ACORN as a means to reach the grass-roots, inner-city constituency in Chicago for his eventual political campaigns.

Next is William Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist whose organization, the Weather Underground, is responsible for killing police officers, bombing the Pentagon, and countless acts of wanton destruction.

Obama used his connection to Ayers through the Woods Fund of Chicago and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge organizations to meet the well-heeled liberals of Chicago. Anyone launching a political career in any jurisdiction needs to meet and impress people with money and influence to contribute.

One could forgive Obama this association, were Ayers in any way repentant for his past. He is not. In interviews during the 2000s, Ayers reportedly lamented "they didn't do more" to stop the Vietnam War. Which I construe to mean more killings and destruction.

For me, these associations and others give rise to concerns that Obama puts political gain over the right-and-wrong of a given relationship. This represents a level of poor judgment that this country cannot have in a president.

How will Obama respond to in his planned meetings with the leaders of countries like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela?

What will his judgment allow him to appoint to various offices, posts, and judgeship? Consider whom he might appoint to the Supreme Court, with its likely 2 or 3 openings; Secretary of State, Attorney General, just to name a few.

If Obama has either the poor judgment or the political indifference to associate with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, will he appoint people with the country's interest in mind, or his own....

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