Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain and Obama Battle to a Draw; Obama Draws Himself as Clueless

I am sorry, but I cannot see myself climbing aboard the Obama Change Train to Nowhere.

I watched the entire U.S. Presidential debate in Memphis last night, and despite what the talking heads on television and in newsprint said, Obama did not win. I am not sure if McCain won either, though.

What I saw is that Obama is still clueless. Sen. Obama (D-IL) still has no plan to fix the economy, improve healthcare, or defend the country. His every policy seems hinged on raising taxes and alternative fuels. The economy can be fixed through alternative fuels, our national defense can be improved through alternative fuels. There, put up a few solar panels and all our problems are solved.

I also saw throughout the evening, that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was trying to be positive and constructive, uplifting and encouraging, with statement like: My friends, we are going through tough times, but together we can make it.

Alternatively, Obama maintained a negative and insulting tone throughout the event. We have problems in this country and they are due to President Bush's policies to which McCain subscribed.

Obama is still running against George Bush, mentioning Bush's policies or stating the "last eight years" at least 10 times in his 40-odd minutes. Sorry, Barack, W ain't running this time out.

Then, after insinuating McCain into every problem faced by the country, Obama literally turns around and said people are not interested in politicians pointing fingers at each other. Barack, take your own advice.

When asked about fixing the economy, Obama could still not offer a solid plan; mentioning only that he would raise taxes on the "wealthy." It is only fair, he said; he wouldn't promise this income-shifting would fix the economy or help the country in anyway. But it is "fair." Barack, the U.S. government is not there to determine what salary and lifestyle is "fair."

And, despite what most -- if not all -- financial experts have been telling us over the past several days, Obama assures us that the economy will not get worse in the short term.

He laments that "ordinary families" are in trouble of losing their homes. Sorry, Barack, most "ordinary families" are not in trouble with their homes; 96% or mortgages are being paid with no problems.

He promises to offset his billions in new spending by using a "scalpel" to make cuts. But, unlike McCain, Obama has yet to name a single area where he would cut the budget. (McCain was not much better here, mentioning only a spending freeze, cutting wasteful defense spending, and vetoing earmarks.)

Obama seems to know how to run an oil company better than the industry professionals can, mandating that the oil companies drill on more of their oil fields or they will lose them. Drill where I want, when I want, and how I want or we will break your leases and take your land.

His health care plan in still a mystery. He deems that access to health care is a human "right," Sorry, Barack, health care is the result of people's hard work and talent. No one has the right to the hard work and talent of anyone else.

If we have insurance and are happy with it, he promises, we will get to keep it. Gee thanks, Barack. Now that's leadership. But, if you cannot afford insurance, you may just get fined. He will require health insurance for kids and fine you if you don't. What if you can't afford it?

In the foreign policy section of the debate, Obama made the single most outrageous statement I have ever heard in a debate before.

Never has there been a nation in the history of the world that saw it's economy decline and maintained its military superiority.

I have never heard a serious presidential candidate diminish the American military before, especially in a time of war!

We should send support troop to Darfur, even though we have no national interest. "Moral issues," he said, "When genocide is happening and we stand idly by, it diminishes us." We must consider genocide in other countries as part of U.S. national interest. Is it only "fair," Barack?

Unless the moral issue is in Iraq.

A retired member of the military asked a question. McCain walked over to the man and laid his hand on the man's shoulder in thanks for his service; Obama muttered "We honor your service and are grateful for it," in a flat, emotionless tone as he walked to the center of the stage to speak. And this is the man you want as Commander-in-Chief?

On a number of occasions, Barack lambasted McCain for non-policies. "It was you singing Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran," he accused McCain, as though it were officially part of the Republican platform.

There is a difference between a policy and a joke, Obama Barack; although when you speak, it is hard to tell....

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