Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama: Time To Put Aside Childish Things -- NOT!!

At his inauguration, way back on Tuesday, the new president promised that it is "the time has come to set aside childish things."

Apparently, he doesn't heed his own advice.

At a meeting on the "stimulus" package today, he announced his opposition to the Republican's concerns with a curt "I won."

The sources of the report do not indicate if Obama stuck his tongue out after saying that, or held his thumb to his nose and waggled his fingers accompanied by a hearty Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah.

House Minority Leader John Boehner reportedly responded with a sheepish I know you are, but what am I...

Thanks, Barack, for not being childish and not taking the oppositions opinions seriously.


Burro Hall said...

Oh, that Boehner! But seriously, the "I won" quote is Rep. Cantor's paraphrase of what Obama said to him. And he seemed kind of cool with it.

Remember when Bush swaggered up to the podium in '05 bragging about all the "political capital" he'd just banked and was going to spend it on privatizing Social Security? Very respectful of opposition opinions - and a terrific idea to boot!

[Nice to reconnect through Facebook, amigo. Hope you're well.]

Michael said...

Oh, that Emanuel!

You're relying on a NY Times report quoting Rahm Emanuel quoting what Obama said to Cantor. No chance of either the Times or Emanuel changing the story to make Obama look better. ;-)

“We just have a difference here, and I’m president,” Mr. Obama said to Mr. Cantor, according to Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, who was at the meeting.

Hmmm. Which creep to listen to?

ps. I would take my money out of social security in a heartbeat, given the chance!

Burro Hall said...

Hmmm. I'd listen to that creep Cantor:

Mr. Cantor, in an interview later, had a similar recollection. He said the president had told him, “You’re correct, there’s a philosophical difference, but I won, so we’re going to prevail on that.”

“He was very straightforward,” Mr. Cantor added. “There was no disrespect, but it was very matter-of-fact.”

Of course, maybe Cantor's in on the Make Obama Look Good conspiracy.

Michael said...

Seems pretty much everyone else is in the Make Obama Look Good Crusade. Cantor could be too, who knows. The current crop of Repubs have been weak-kneed weenies for awhile now. Why stop now?