Saturday, January 17, 2009

FBI Enganging in Racial Profiling

In a effort to stem potential problems at Tuesday's presidential inauguration, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are tracking the activities of white supremacist groups.

Despite the fact that there has been "no known organized effort to express opposition" to Obama, law enforcement officials have been watching internet traffic, e-mail, and other methods of "chatter" to stem off any problems.

However, it seems to go unreported that these law enforcement officials are using questionable racial profile tactics to whittle down their lists of people to watch. Word is that all of the people on the white supremacist watch lists are white!

We know from human rights advocate, the ACLU, and other such concerns that racial profiling does not work. TSA officials, for example, cannot levy extra scrutiny on young Muslim men from Middle East countries, despite the fact that all of the terrorism against the United States has been perpetuated by young Muslim men from Middle East countries.

These advocates tell us that TSA cannot locate the terrorists by looking at people who are most likely to commit terror.

So, it must follow, that to find white supremacists, law enforcement should not be looking only at white people. It would be unethical and a violation of human rights to levy extra scrutiny on the people most likely to be white supremacists.

After all, while not all white people are supremacists; all of the white supremacists have been white.

Call your congressman and make sure that law enforcement does not violate the human rights of the white supremacists by looking at only white people in order to find them. White supremacists could be anyone, an African-American, a Mexican illegal immigrant, an elderly Asian woman in Chinatown.

Don't be lulled into a false sense of comfort by thinking that racially targeting white people will help the authorities in locating and stopping white supremacists from violence and mayhem.

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