Thursday, January 22, 2009

UPDATED: Is Obama Already Working in the Dark?

At a little after noontime on Tuesday, during his inauguration speech, Obama promised that he and his administration would do our business in the light of day as the best way to restore the vital trust between a people and their government.

However, less than 12 hours later, the new president put into play his first policy, ordering the closure of Guantanamo Bay, in the dark of night.

Obama circulated a draft of the order after midnight this morning, apparently thinking the most important issues facing the United States are Club Gitmo and restricting the ability of intelligence official and others to interrogate terrorists.

Obama was so eager to appease the left-wingers by closing Gitmo, that his order will cloase the facility even though he has no plan for what to do with the terrorists stored there.
But the order, which one adviser said could be issued as early as Jan. 20, would start the process of deciding what to do with the estimated 250 al-Qaida and Taliban suspects.
Despite what one thinks about Guantanamo Bay, it seems to me that the prudent course would be to actually have a plan before enacting the plan.

Somehow, I am not comforted that our new president's first move in office, executed in the dead of night, will both appease the ACLU and help 245 Muslim terrorists get back to "work" killing innocents -- perhaps us.

Update: Also part of Obama's mission critical Day One activities, he might be ending the military tribunals for terrorists. I heard one report, uncorroborated, that the "mastermind" of the U.S.S. Cole bombing is among the terrorists who may not stand trial for his crimes. Thanks, Barack; the change we need, indeed...

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