Monday, January 19, 2009

I Do Not Want Barack Obama to Succeed

On the eve of Barack Obama's elevation to President, just a few thoughts I wanted to get out there for you to consider:

I Do Not Want Barack Obama to Succeed.

I said it and I mean it.

What I want is for the United States to succeed: I want to win the war on terror, or at least keep the terrorists from striking here or anywhere again; I want the country to pull out of the recession; I want the United States to continue being the market-based meritocracy it has been since day 1.

Everything that Obama championed as a candidate during this election runs contrary to those goals.

  • Borrowing $1 trillion dollars from places unknown (and Communist China) to "stimulate" the economy by handing out one-time checks to people will place a burden on this nation that it may never recover from. President Bush tried that trick in the Spring of 2008; how well did that work out?
    This nation is already $1 trillion in debt; doubling that amount will help no one. It can only lead to higher unemployment and spiriling inflation.
  • Obama wants to "spread the wealth" by increasing taxes on people he thinks make too much money, and on businesses that he thinks make too big a profit and don't operate in the industries he favors. Raising anyone's taxes during a recession will only make things worse. President Bush I and Clinton tried the tax-increase route in 1991 to 1993. The recession continued until the massive tax cuts pushed through by the Republican congress in 1995.
    Since when has making a profit been a negative in this country, anyway?

  • His placing his entire recovery plans on pumping billions into road and bridge construction will not help the economy. Hoover tried that during the Great Depression to little result.

  • Obama wants to restrict free-trade during a recession. Another Hooverian tactic that back-fired.

  • Obama plans to change NAFTA, to the detriment of our allies in Canada in Mexico.

  • But, he wants to freely negotiate with known terrorists and dictators who are our sworn enemies.

  • He wants to shut down Guantanamo Bay without having any plan on what to do with the terrorists imprisoned there.

  • He wants to decimate our military by slashing its budget, shutting down weapons programs, and preventing our soldiers from doing anything to our murderous enemies that might make them uncomfortable (read: water-boarding).
    Practices that have reportedly and historically worked to save American lives.

  • He has made top priority ending the Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell policy in the U.S. military that most within the military feel is working.
    And despite the relative merits or detriments to the program, making the pledge to end the policy on Day 1 (which he has), can only be to curry favor with the far-left extremists in the country. It is a policy that has not affected our military in the least, apparently, and is not in need of immediate action.

  • He long advocated ending the war in Iraq immediately, with no apparent concern for what that meant to the U.S., to the war on terror, or to the Iraqi people. He now wants to end the war "responsibly" -- whatever that means.

  • He wants to dismantle our nuclear weapons programs at a time when rouge nations throughout the world are building theirs up (Iran, North Korea, China, and others).

  • He wants to shut down the missile defense systems during a time when our enemies are increasing their ability to strike us and our allies.

  • He shows complete disdain for our intelligence community by hiring someone to run the CIA who has no intelligence experience and has shown his own disdain for the CIA.

  • He wants to restrict how our intelligence operatives can interrogate suspects, making our enemies the victim and our intelligence officers the criminals.

  • He wants to create the enigmatic civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as our military; so far he has refused to explain exactly what that is or what their job might be.
In short, Obama wants to turn this country into a European-style socialist state, lowering the standard of living for all U.S. citizens.

No, I don't want him to succeed. I want this country to succeed despite Obama.

And no, I will not give him a chance; I will not sit back and see what he will do.

There is little I can do to prevent what Obama might inflict on this country, but there is no way that I can in good conscience, support it.

And, sorry Liberals, this has nothing to do with his race.

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