Monday, January 19, 2009

Obamanauts: Why Don't YOU Give Him A Chance

As an avowed non-supporter of President-Elect Barack Obama, I have heard the manta repeatedly over the past few weeks that I need to Give Obama A Chance before criticizing him and his impending presidency.

I admit that I am cynical towards the Obama presidency, and doubt that the ideas he put forth during the campaign will help this country. But, I am told, I must give him a chance.

To that I reply, why don't you give Obama a chance to show what he can do before you deem him the greatest president ever. Why stop there? He will be the greatest elected official in the history of the world.

It is you who want to tear down Mount Rushmore and recast it in His image. It is you who are comparing Obama to Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy, et. al. before he has had the opportunity to do Thing One as president.

It is you who are calling, um, him the, um, greatest speaker, um, ever. If your over-estimation of his speaking ability is any predictor, we are in trouble indeed.

I am the one who wants to see what he can do; I am the one who looks at his past "record" of non-accomplishment and wonder about his ability to succeed.

You already have all the world's problems solved; it is you who believe that all the world will love the United States starting at 12:30pm on January 20. It is you who are telling the world that is it cool to fly the US flag again. Merely because Obama got elected.
It doesn’t matter if the state of Maryland is broke as long as Barack Obama is President of the United States – this is great! -- Lisa Gladden (D-MD)
Here is a guy who can claim no major accomplishment in his past. Here is a guy with a history of ducking the tough issues by voting "Present" countless times as an elected official. Here is a guy who has already backed-away from most, if not all, of his campaign promises.

It is truly a great moment for this country that an African-American has been elected to the highest elected position in the country. It lends further proof that America is not a racist country.

But, to all you Obamanauts, Obamamanica, Obamunists the world over: Before you deem him the Savior, why don't YOU give the man a chance to prove he is worthy of all this adulation and praise.


TBurke72 said...

Man, I can't tell if you are looking forward to all this hype over Obama being over, so you don't have to hear it anymore...or if you are savoring it as an opportunity to criticize the man?

Speaking from my own perspective, I did not vote for the man. But I am going to straddle the fence and take a cautiously optimistic stance and wait patiently to see how his first year goes before I decide which side of the fence to jump to. I choose not to tear the man down before he has spent one day in office. And I choose not to praise him as a demi-god.

Personally, I hope the man does a good job. I'm sick of this state of the economy. I'm sick of seeing kids get killed over seas. I certainly hope he has success. He's going to be in office for the next 4 years. I hope you are not rooting against him...but to each his own. I do enjoy reading your blog. But sometimes I think you're a little too far to one extreme. But I agree...many, many more are on the opposite extreme.

Let's just wait and see how he does. I wish him luck.

Michael said...

My fear is that there is so much blind adulation of this man, particularly by the members of the media, that many people will be blind to it if Obama does not succeed or succeeds in taking this country down the wrong path.

With the near-sycophantic love for Obama, he could easily make decisions that run counter to the country's best interest and we would never know it (read: Bill Clinton's selling missile technology to the Chinese).

I see that it will be very hard to criticize him, because so many people have so much emotion invested in him.

I cannot say that I wish him success, because I don't agree with his stated policies.

I hope the country succeeds despite him.