Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama: Slashing Military Budget; One Reason to Hope He Fails

A few weeks back, I posted a long list of reasons for not wanting Obama to succeed. I got comments that I was being unfair, short-sighted, and just plain wrong.

One of my stated reasons for not wanting Obama to succeed is:
  • He wants to decimate our military by slashing its budget, shutting down weapons programs...
Well, it's true!

The Obama administration has asked the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon's budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent -- about $55 billion -- a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.

...Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend "burning the midnight oil" looking at ways to cut the budget -- looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said.

But, while we are engaged in a war on two fronts, we certainly don't need weapons systems.

Obama; the Change that Will Destroy the U.S.


Burro Hall said...

You know (and Fox News certainly knows) that there's a difference between a budget and a budget request, right? Obama did indeed ask them to cut their budget request, because the budget request represented a huge increase over last year's budget. Obama wants them to get it down to a mere eight percent increase.

As for the two wars, Bush's accounting trick of keeping the wars off the DoD budget appears to have survived the transition, so neither the imaginary 10% cut nor the actual 8% increase shouldn't have much effect in the field, since that's a different appropriation.

Michael said...

Did I fall for the oldest trick in the hack politicians handbook? I should know better!! I recall well in the 1996 prez election when Dole wanted to reduce the expansion of social security from 20% a year to 8%, Clinton ran ads saying Dole wants to slash social security and throw old people out on the streets! Shame on me! Thank, Burro, I will have to look into this!

Burro Hall said...

No problemo! I'm just here to serve. The one difference is that Fox News isn't a hack politician (or so they say), so it's not clear why they'd be pushing this nonsense unless they had a partisan agenda. Clinton, at least, was trying to win an election.