Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NPR's Mara Liasson Tells What is Wrong with the Liberal Agenda

National Public Radio's Mara Liasson asked one of the more foolish questions I have ever heard at a presidential press conference (or any press conference, for that matter).

At President Barack Obama's live press conference on the "stimulus" package Monday night, Liasson asked Obama about the Republican opposition to the "stimulus" package.

If it is this hard to get more than a handful of Republican votes on what is relatively easy: spending tons of money and cutting people's taxes how will Obama work with the Republicans on more difficult issues.

A soundbite that will dominate conservative talk radio for days to come.

By Liasson's thinking, and that of the Liberals in this country, spending billions or trillions of tax dollars on a spending package with a 30% chance of failure is a no-brainer..

In one statement, Liasson summed up the Democratic Party and Liberals in general. It is easy to throw other people's money at a problem, and there must be something wrong with anyone who could find fault with that notion.

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