Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hey Obama: Why Not Just a Stimulus Bill??

President Obama tells us that the U.S. economy is in such crisis that we might never recover.

From the Washington Post this morning (link requires registration):

And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.
If we are in such dire straits, then why don't we craft a pure stimulus bill, loaded with tax cuts, to kick start the economy. Then, together we can tackle the fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care.

Tax cuts do stimulate the economy, far better than massive spending programs. You know it; Congress knows it; most (if not all) economists know it; and history has proven it.

It really is simple:
  • Income tax cuts for all Americans to give us all more money to spend
  • Business tax cuts to stimulate growth and hiring
  • Capital gains tax holiday to get money back in the stock market

I don't have the proposal in front of me, but Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. filed a proposal that "would have eliminated all the spending and replaced it with a series of tax cuts." But, the Deomocrats defeated in a partisan stance (note that the AP doesn't mention the word "partisan" here).

This package Obama is pushing is not a pure stimulus bill, or even a stimulus bill on any level. Obama admits that: This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending -- it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity...

Folks, if you are in dire financial trouble, no matter how much you need that new car, that new water boiler, or the addition on the house, you fix the finances first.

Every day, our economy gets sicker, Obama tells us. Well, maybe it is time to get the economy well instead of worrying about connecting every corner of the country to the information superhighway.

It is time for the government of the U.S. to fix the finances before engaging in massive expansion.

You know it and I know it. I hope Obama and the Democrats admit to the truth and do the right thing now.

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