Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Doesn't ACORN Buy Foreclosed Houses?

The community organizer group ACORN, one of President Obama's pet projects and former employer, seems to have jumped into overdrive in using civil disobedience to prevent homes from being foreclosed.

ACORN operatives have reportedly broken into homes in the foreclosure process to prevent the bank from taking the property, among other criminal tactics.
On Thursday night, (ACORN member Louis Beverly) used bolt cutters to break a padlock at a home near Patterson Park in east Baltimore, telling supporters, "This is our house now."
Hey Beverly, here's an idea. Your organization was just promised billions of dollars from the "stimulus" package, why don't you buy the homes from the bank at full price and give the houses back to the homeowners free-of-charge?

I think ACORN would find it a lot harder to spend their own money rather than somebody else's.


Burro Hall said...

The "ACORN promised billions from stimulus" thing is a myth - which is kind of a shame, because they probably would buy up all those houses.

Breaking and entering is probably not the best way to deal with the crisis, of course.

Michael said...

Ok. So I used a bit of rhetorical flourish. ACORN is one of the many agencies who can compete for the 5 billion dollars. The point is, I see it as highly unlikely that ACORN or any agency would take the Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds, buy houses in foreclosure, and give the house to the very people they claim have a "right" to stay in that house.

Michael said...

Besides, I wouldn't put all that much stock in FactCheck:

The DemocaticUnderground
How much can we REALLY trust Factcheck.org?

Burro Hall said...

I totally agree that ACORN is highly unlikely to take money it has said it doesn't want to compete for (and would probably not win if it tried) and spend that fictional money on buying foreclosed houses. Definitely.

I'm not sure that Democratic partisans whining about being called out by FactCheck.org proves that it's untrustworthy - but if acceptance of Democratic talking points is the new editorial policy at RedBoy, I suppose I can live with that.

Michael said...

I am trying to enter a new era of bipartisanship, just like our dear President Obama....