Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama: "Stimulus" Plan is the Beginning of the End

For once, I agree with Obama.

After signing the $800 billion "stimulus" package, President Obama said the pork-pie "marks the beginning of the end..."

He is right.

Obama in one pen-stroke initiated the end of any hope of economic recovery; the idea that that American people know what is best for themselves; capitalism in the U.S.; a system that rewards hard work and good decision making; and our standard of living in general.

With that same pen, he ushered in a new wave of socialism; tax-dollars handed to preferred political pet projects in the name of stimulus; a massive expansion of government; and our swift turn towards European-style of governance. It is the beginning of the largest spending spree in the history of the United States, if not the world; and the beginning of an obscenely massive pile of debt that this country will never survive.

But, thankfully, some of you will get that $13 a week extra in your paychecks. Whoopie!

Yes Barack, this is the beginning of the end; the beginning of the end of life as we know it in the United States.

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