Monday, September 15, 2008

That’s what we could be doing instead of fighting this war.

OK, I am confused.

One day Obama tells us to "invest at home" and use the money being spent on the Iraq war on domestic initiatives.

Then, he gripes that "we’re having to pay for this war with loans from China."

So, Barack, which is it? Are we diverting our own money to pay for Iraq or do you want to borrow money from China to pay for your domestic "investments?"

If Obama is going to borrow money from the Chinese, I hope they have mighty deep pockets. A few of the items on Obama's shopping list:

protecting Social Security today, tomorrow, and forever

offering relief to struggling homeowners

giving tax breaks to working families

fighting to put the American dream within reach for every American

making universal health care a reality in this country.

giving every American a quality education.

giving our teachers more pay and more support,

rebuilding our crumbling schools,

offering a tax credit to put a college degree within reach for anyone who wants one.

rebuilding our roads and bridges.

freeing ourselves from the tyranny of oil,

saving this planet for our children.

investing in renewable sources of energy, and in clean coal technology,

creating up to 5 million new green jobs in the bargain, including new clean coal jobs.

Those all might be nice things, but it doesn't sound to me to be any "bargain." Where is the money going to come from. He wants us to believe that he will fund all these missions by stopping (aka losing) the Iraq war; but he also wants us to believe that the country is drowning in Chinese debt in order to pay for the war.

Like most times after I hear Obama speak, I am confused. Maybe he's just that much smarter than me. Or maybe he's engaging in political double-speak.

So, in the spirit of Barack Obama, we should be borrowing from the Chinese and spending money like a drunken sailor on domestic initiatives -- I mean investments; instead of borrowing from the Chinese and spending money like a drunken sailor on the Iraq War.

Do I have that right?

Yeah, I am confused. You?

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