Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Summary of Obama's solution to the Current Fiscal Crisis

In the face of the recent fiscal crisis on Wall Street, Obama talked tough:

"The events of the last few days have made it clear that we must take further bold and decisive action to shore up confidence in our financial markets and avoid a deepening economic crisis..."

Then he swept into action by offering a bold vision and true leadership to help the country through this rough period.

Well, not exactly....

"Given the gravity of this situation... I have asked my economic team to refrain from presenting a more detailed blue-print of how an immediate plan might be structured until the Treasury and the Federal Reserve have had an opportunity to present their proposal."

Truly a heroic stand. What Leadership.

To summarize Obama's revolutionary stance:

"What he said!"

Is this the change he wants to bring to Washington: let someone else make the tough decisions?

Just another case of Obama voting "Present" yet again.

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