Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well, That Saves a Blog Entry

Obama's choice for "Green Jobs Czar," Van Jones, gets the boot -- I mean resigns. Nice to hear some good news once in a while.

And, I had a headline all picked out: Obama Green Jobs "Czar" a Red.

Obama's latest pick for the Cuckoo's Nest is an avowed Communist/9-11 Truther who openly called congressional Republicans "assholes" in a recent speech.

But now, because people learned the truth about this cretin, he retreated to the typical "vicious smear campaign" canard and ran home crying. Why is it that when we tell the truth about Liberals they call it vicious smears?

Jones, who somehow missed the video of the airplanes actually hitting the buildings, signed a petition calling for an investigation into the cause of 9/11. Oh sure, he assures us:
That he did not agree with the petition's stand on the Sept. 11 attacks and that "it certainly does not reflect my views, now or ever."
He must not have read the petition before signing it. Perfect qualification to become a Democratic legislator.

But, there have been no denials about his involvement with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). From Wikipedia:
STORM initially included anarchists, communists and revolutionary nationalists, but after some struggle the anarchists left and STORM become more communist-oriented. The group considered Mao Zedong as their spiritual leader and as an atheist organization expressed deep dislike of religion.
Quite a loss for the country. Oh well, I am sure there are plenty of crackpots out there that Obama can pick from. He has no shortage of them so far.

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