Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Humana Insurance Company Under Investigation for a Free Speech Violation

The Insurance company Humana, it appears, has angered the Obama administration and faces "possible legal action" for having the temerity to inform its subscribers about possible changes to Medicare under the Liberals' health care plan:

(A mailer from Humana to subscribers) focused squarely on the Medicare Advantage program.

"While these programs need to be made more efficient, if the proposed funding cut levels become law, millions of seniors and disabled individuals could lose many of the important benefits and services that make Medicare Advantage health plans so valuable," it said.

It urged seniors to sign up with Humana for regular updates on the health care legislation, and encouraged them to contact their lawmakers in Washington.
This information, so says Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont, is false.

The health care reform bill we released ... strengthens Medicare and does not cut benefits," said Baucus.
So, because Baucus says so, it must be true. And, if you disagree with the Liberals on their mission to over-haul health care, and have the nerve to inform your customers, you may face legal action.

HHS ordered the company to immediately halt any such mailings, and remove any related materials from its Web site. In the letter, the government also said it may take other action against Humana.
So, if you happen to have a contrary position to the Administration, you now face legal action? Beats being called a racist, I guess.

Seems to me that Obama misleads people everytime he opens his mouth about health care; the only person who gets in trouble for this is Joe Wilson.

Another victory for free speech under Barack Obama.

1 comment:

MLane said...

I have worked for several Medicare Advantage companies including Humana. The letter that Humana sent out to their members is not an issue of free speech. Medicare Advantage companies agreed to strict marketing guidelines in return for a lucrative Medicare contract. The member contact information is protected and only to be used to provide current plan and benefit information not for marketing or political activism. The truth is that the 1997 Balanced Budget Act had already laid the ground work for decreasing Medicare reimbursements to Medicare Advantage companies long before the current Health Care Reform debate. These companies have known since 2005 that they were on a slowly decreasing payment plan from Medicare until 2011. Humana took gross advantage of their members by making it sound as if the letter was an offical document from Medicare. Humana also mislead their members by indicating that they had no prior knowledge or the ability to plan for the scheduled reducing reimbursment leaving them the only option of decreasing the program's benefits and services in a poorly disguised effort to protect their profits.