Friday, July 24, 2009

No Victory in Afghanistan; Obama Shows His True Stripes Again

Fresh off his Wednesday evening performance of insulting a police officer for doing his job while being verbally assaulted by a pretentious Harvard professor, Obama again shows his true colors in an interview with ABC news, where he shied away from using the term "Victory" when it comes to the war in Afghanistan.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.
Well, have no fear, Barack. Our enemies in Afghanistan and the rest of the world will not worry about using your very words against our country and our troops.

How many times have these words been used against Private Bowe Bergdahl, who is in Taliban custody as Obama speaks. You can only imagine how his captors have taunted and tormented Bergdahl with the notion that Obama doesn't care if we achieve victory.

Before any Liberal detractors tell me how Obama assured us "our goal is to make sure they can't attack the United States," take a few minutes to think about how Obama's words will be amplified throughout the region where hundred of our troops have been killed this year alone.

President Obama has no idea how to deal with a hostile enemy or foe of this country. From his weak-kneed dealings with known terrorist-supporting dictators, to his inability to respond to teenage pirates, to declaring the U.S. cannot win in Afghanistan, Obama has constantly sold out this country in ways no president in recent memory ever has -- or ever would.

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