Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama: Doctors Sacrifice Patient Care to Make Money

Without using these exact words, President Obama signaled to the American people that he believes medical doctors routinely sacrifice proper medical care in favor of making more money for themselves.

When asked by Steve Koff of the Cleveland Plain Dealer if the American people would see a drop in service from doctors under the Obama plan, the president impugned all doctors by suggesting they make patient care decisions solely based on what they can charge.
Right now, doctors a lot of times are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. So if they're looking and you come in and you've got a bad sore throat or your child has a bad sore throat or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, "You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out."
Does any serious, common-sense person out there truly believe that all doctors -- a majority of doctors, any number more than a couple of exceptions -- would intentionally look for the most expensive remedy for an ailment?

While I am certain that some may act this way, it is a tiny minority, not worth revamping 17% of the U.S. economy to stop.

Perhaps, too, there are some doctors who choose riskier, more "profitable" procedures out of hubris, to prove they can.

But, I highly doubt that the typical pediatrician has a price list on the wall and looks to super-size your care just so he can make that next payment on his new Hummer. If your doc does this, it is time to find a new doctor -- something allowed under 100% of health care plans.

Sorry Obama; just more lies, distortions, and rhetoric from the Hope and Change man himself.

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