Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Socialized Medicine Horror Stories

From the Mike Huckabee Show 6/18/2009:

"15 year-old Braden will need a spinal fusion. in Canada, he has to get on a list -- and that's only to get a surgeon's name. And then, he has to get on another list for that specific surgeon. And then, he has to wait, could be years ... living in excruciating pain. (In the U.S.), Braden could get the surgery done in days... -- Mike Huckabee

His mother has the same congenital condition. At 28, she could not get surgery. She was told "I was too young; I had not suffered long enough; I hadn't been in pain long enough; there were people older than me ... who would get the surgery first."

"In the Canadian health system, I was forced to deteriorate to a point where I was addicted to morphine, I used a walker to get around; I was using diapers because I had no control of my bladder because of the nerve to my bladder. I could not get a date for surgery."

Hukabee - If he stays in Canada, how long will it take to get the care (your son) needs.

Braden's mother --" I would say 2-3 years. I can't even get the name of a surgeon that will see him."

In the words of Canadian medical physician Dr. David Gratzer, "What goes on in Canada or Britian, or Sweden, is that people wait for basic care. According to the (Canadian) government's own statistics... for every two people who require urgent cancer surgery, one person will get it in a timely manner.

People are waiting or suffering. To use the words of the Supreme Court of Canada -- not my words, the Supreme Court of Canada's -- some people simply die.

... (I know) a person sued the government for the right to opt out of the system because he has waited over a year with chronic hip pain for hip replacement, and he is growing addicted to morphine. Is that the kind of healthcare you want for your uncle, your father?"

Not me, Dr. Gratzer. I want better for my family, for my children. The U.S. as the best health care system in the world, by far. The health care reform will put an end to high-quality of medical care in this country -- and it will financially devastate the economy.

Obama-care must be stopped.

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