Monday, November 3, 2008

NY. Rep. Jerrold Nadler Confirms RedInABlueState on Obama!

In this YouTube video, New York U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler confirms what I told you on these pages several weeks ago.

According to Nadler, Sen. Barack Obama, this guy whio is "half-white and half-black" who went to an "Ivy-League school." He got into "community organizing" for purely political reasons and joined Rev. Wright's church to "form a political base," not necessarily for spiritual reasons.

From RedInABlueState on October 13, 2008:

I contend that Obama associated himself with Wright and his church to establish his street cred. Remember, here is a guy who was born to a white mother, raised by his "typical white person" grandmother, and a product of Ivy League schools. He would seem to be a guy who would want for something to establish a connection with the South Side of Chicago. What better than a race-baiting, hate-monger?

And, how could Obama just get up and walk out, as so many detractors have criticized him for not doing? Walking out would have offended Wright, who would likely have the power to hurt Obama's political aspirations. So, Obama put his political gain over doing the right thing, stated with this anti-American preacher so as not to offend someone who could help him.

Even more evidence that Obama is not who he wants us to think he is.

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