Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Al-Qaida Insults Obama with Racial Epithet

In a new video, Al-Qaida #2 man, Ayman al-Zawahri, referred to Obama as either a "house negro" or "house slave," depending upon the translation.

One might be tempted to jest that Obama promised to make the world like us again, and this is not a good start. Or, quip that now may not be the best time for Obama to meet al-Zawahri "without precondition."

But, what this video shows is that Al-Qaida will never like the United States nor the rest of the Western world, until we are under sharia law.

When Al-Qaida was railing against George W. Bush, liberals liked to think that the terrorists were singling him and his administration out as the target.

This video should prove to the world and to the liberals in this country that Al-Qaida are not fighting against a particular president or his policies.

Al-Qaida wants the U.S. and its way of life destroyed, and replaced by a Muslim regime.

No matter who the president might be.

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