Thursday, November 6, 2008

MSNBC's Matthews: My New Job is to Make Obama Presidency Work

Chris Matthews has yet again shown us how far he and other "journalists" have moved away from unbiased reporting into liberal slant or even unfettered support of a politician.

On MSNBC's Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough, Matthews told Scarborough that his job is to do everything I can to make this new presidency work.

Matthews was not talking about taking a new job as Obama's press secretary. Sorry, Chris, the job's already taken..

When questioned by a clearly surprised Scarborough: Is that your job as a journalist?

Yeah, that's my job... This country needs a successful presidency, more than anything right now.

More than the truth? More than to know what's really going on in Washington?

How can you not root for the success of a new president? Matthews asks, as if a journalist "rooting" for a politician is standard practice.

I don't understand
, he quipped about the hosts' chagrin, unaware of just how true that statement is.

In the same segment, Richard Stengel of Time Magazine quoted Walter Cronkite: Reporters have to be skeptical so that the public doesn't get cynical. Walter Cronkite must be turning in his grave.

We know that Matthews did everything in his power to help get Obama elected; will Matthews now do everything to ensure Obama's success? Does that include spinning negative stories or not covering them at all?

And, how far will his efforts go? Will his new job require him to coddle the Democrats in Congress? Or just continue trashing Republicans?

This seems a far cry from the lofty personal goals Matthews describes on his Hardball website:

My main ambition as a journalist is to cut through the public relations and find the truth in what politicians are saying and doing.

It appears now that his ambition as a journalist is to participate in the public relations of this politician; to promote a politician, rather than find the truth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chris is so disgusting, I can't look at him anymore. The truth is
so lacking. You don't even try to hide your BIAS. Maybe it's time to go. Never have we had so many that don't do their jobs, or can't do their jobs.