Monday, June 22, 2009

UN to NOKO: Can We Pretty Please Look for Contraband on Your Ship?

I am far from the first to comment on this issue, and farther still from the last to.

But, this one line from the Associated Press cannot go without comment.
The Security Council resolution calls on all 192 U.N. member states to inspect vessels on the high seas "if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the cargo" contains banned weapons or material to make them, and if approval is given by the country whose flag the ship sails under.

If I am reading this right, we get intelligence that a country is illegally putting illegal materials on a ship and illegally transporting those materials to another country, where they could be sold to parties who would use them against us, we have to ask the country performing these illegal acts for permission to search the ship?

Are they serious?

Excuse me, Mr. Kim Jong-il, we have satellite photos of your people putting nuclear missiles on that boat of yours; we think they are being shipped to a country hostile to us, and could eventually be used against us. Can we pretty please, with sugar on top, take a look?

Well, then, Supreme Leader sir, could you direct the ship to a friendly port, where they can inspect the contents, oh please, please, please?
Well, OK then. Thanks anyway; smooth sailing!

No wonder why Mr Il is smiling.

Does anybody else find this U.N. decree a complete lunacy?

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