Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And You Want These People to Run Healthcare -- part VII

While I understand the debate between New York Governor David Paterson and New York senators involves state-level and not federal-level politicians, you can't read this story and not fret what might come if we allow politicians on any level to run the health care system in this country.
Since two dissident Democratic senators teamed up with Republicans to form a coalition government and oust Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, angry Democrats have refused to take part in Senate sessions and have hidden bills and agendas from the coalition.
These knuckleheads are so dysfunctional that the governor has to throw a hissy fit and send the senators to their rooms over the weekend and holidays if the senators don't get over their hissy fit.
"If the senators do not cooperate with this order (for a special legislative session), I will convene a special session everyday until they do," Paterson said. "That includes Saturdays and Sundays, that includes Fourth of July. There will be no excuses, and there will be no tolerance to non-compliance to this order."

While the governor can't force senators to vote on or debate bills, the New York Constitution grants him the power to call a special legislative session – and experts say he can even keep the senators in the state house with the help of state police.
Without comment on the merits of any side in this spitting match, do you really want people this narcissistic and self-involved to make decisions that will directly affect your ability to deal with illness or injury in yourself or your family?

Not me; I will stick with Blue Cross, thank you very much.

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