Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One Reason Why Obama's Pick for Supreme Court Should be Blocked

President Barack Obama has stunned no one by picking a double-quota buster to replace Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court of the U.S., Sonia Sotomayor.

An Historic pick from our Historic president.

However, there is no doubt that Obama catered to the female and Latino voting blocks in picking one of each in one package.

This charge is not an indictment of her qualifications; by all accounts she is well-experienced enough to be on the SCOTUS.

However, one statement made by Sotomayor in 2001 should prevent her from receiving a lifetime appointment to the High Court, as her irrelevant personal prejudices will undoubtedly interfere with her ability to evaluate issues fairly for all.
In addition to her quotes supporting judicial activism from the bench (a decidedly anti-constitutional activity), her suggestion that a Hispanic woman would naturally make better judicial decisions than a "(rich) white man,' as a result of her genes is an outrage.
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life.
Can you imagine if Bush appointee John Roberts had suggested at any point in his life that a white male could make better decisions than any woman?

This statement alone makes her unqualified to be on the SCOTUS. This is a decidedly anti-Constitutional line of thinking that is sexist AND racist and shouldn't be tolerated from anyone by anyone.
In one of her few explosive cases, Sotomayor voted (without writing an opinion) to join two colleagues in upholding ... racial discrimination by New Haven, Conn. The city denied promotions to the firefighters who did best on a test of job-related skills because none was black.
Your Honor, the law is the law. If something goes against the Constitution it goes against the Constitution, regardless of the skin color and gender of the people involved in the case.

Obama: I Hope the Congress Doesn't Do What I Did

In his introduction of Sonia Sotomayor, the president asked congress to act in a bipartisan fashion and support his nominee.

Unlike what Obama himself did in 2005:
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind Judge Roberts is qualified to sit on the highest court in the land. Moreover, he seems to have the comportment and the temperament that makes for a good judge. He is humble, he is personally decent, and he appears to be respectful of different points of view.
The bottom line is this: I will be voting against John Roberts' nomination.
I ultimately have to give more weight to his deeds and the overarching political philosophy that he appears to have shared with those in power...
Obama voted against a "qualified" nominee solely for political reasons.

Sounds like a bipartisan decision to me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama: US's Successful Prevention of Terror "Off Course"

President Obama announced today that he believes that the Bush Administration went "off course" in their efforts to protect us from terrorism.
In all of the areas that I have discussed today, the policies that I have proposed represent a new direction from the last eight years. ...

While he didn't call Bush by name, his inference was clear as he uttered his daily "problem I inherited" mantra. Sorry Obama, but President Bush also "inherited" the problem of terrorism; but, I don't recall his carping about it once.

By my rudimentary math, terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil, its territories, and interests before 9/12/01: dozens. Terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil, its territories, and interests after 9/12/01: zero.

Yeah, that is a direction I want to veer away from; we certainly don't want to maintain a record like that.

Do you still feel safer?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

With New Fuel Economy Standards Obama Makes Us Less Safe --Again!

President Obama has made this country less safe yesterday be announcing that auto-makers must meet stringent new mileage standards that experts believe will result in more highway deaths.
The National Academy of Sciences, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Congressional Budget Office and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have separately concluded in multiple studies dating back about 20 years that fuel-economy standards force automakers to build more small cars, which has led to thousands more deaths in crashes annually.
These four disparate and non-partisan agencies have empirical evidence that increasing fuel-economy demands will result in more Americans dying on the roads. But, apparently, Obama doesn't care.

The government says no tradeoff (between fuel economy and auto safety) exists, because nothing in the new rules would force automakers to sell more small cars, which are more dangerous in crashes than larger ones. But some safety experts think otherwise.

Here again, Obama thinks himself smarter than the industry experts. I will side with the non-partisan experts over the word of a politician. Not that a politician would gloss over the facts to sell a program.

While it is true that nothing literally "forces automakers to sell more small cars," that result is inevitably, report many experts.

The concern is that the auto-makers, already in a tight financial situation, will short-sheet the changes to meet the shortened deadlines.
...(the) automakers' dire financial straits are forcing safety to a back burner. It raises the risk that cash-strapped automakers will take the fastest and cheapest route to building more fuel-efficient vehicles: Make them smaller and lighter.
"The deadlines are so tight that downsizing will be a tempting compliance strategy" for automakers, says John Graham, the former rulemaking chief in the Office of Management and Budget.

Another concern is that the "Big 3" auto-makers in the U.S. will no longer put up an aggressive posture in opposition to these changes by arguing the reduction in safety, because of the bailout money the companies have been receiving.
In comments to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last June, GM vigorously protested higher fuel-economy standards, saying they would be too costly and would force it to adopt technologies that impair performance and reliability. But in December, when it submitted its restructuring plan to Congress, GM said it erred by not moving more quickly on such vehicles.
This plan also doesn't seem to consider the current cars on the road. If the national average of most people having 10-year old cars maintains, then in 2016 the fuel-efficient cars will compete against cars from 2006 to 2015 in emissions.

Further, these changes might not work. CBS Correspondent Bill Plante told CBS Early Show's Harry Smith that "critics say there's no evidence that new standards will clean up the environment. And they charge the White House is pushing the move on struggling automakers who can't afford to fight the plan."

The major automakers are "working as hard as we can to make each dollar count as much as possible — especially with limited resources," says Wade Newton, spokesman for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. "We'll try our best to make $10 billion go as far as $15 billion — not always easy, but a necessity in this economic climate."

Perhaps these costs will not be as arduous as some think. According to Edmunds.com:
(M)ost (automakers) believe they can meet the (2008 fuel-efficiency) goal by applying a lot of existing technologies that have been considered too expensive in the past but will become more affordable as they are applied to greater numbers of vehicles — and as the price of gasoline and diesel fuel continues to rise.
Whatever the cost to automakers, know that those costs will be passed on to you, and the costs will far exceed the $1300 that the administration is pitching.

To me, it is too high a cost to pay for a solution that might not work for a problem that might not exist.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Media Bias on the Menu at Ray's Hell Burger

This just in:
There is a significant Democrat-leaning bias in the media.

Do we need more proof than this bit of hard-hitting journalism from the even-keeled Andrea Mitchell?

It is a nice human-interest type story whenever the president visits the common-folk, but do you break into regular programming to show the president sorting through his choice of condiments?
As we watch the president decide what he wants to order.
Besides, this is hardly a common-folk restaurant, despite the news media's attempts to label it a "burger joint." I mean, they don't even have french fries.
White Castle this is not.

But, have no fear. He will have a satisfying thick, juicy burger, MSNBC's Kelly O'Donnell assures us. Oh good, I frequently find myself worrying that the president is eating well.

It's a wonder he didn't order the Seared Foie Gras With Truffle Oil, since he can't get it back home.

I suppose I have to give Obama a nod for ordering the fries in the first place. We all remember Clinton's obsession with McDonald's fries.

How long before PETA lash out at Obama for not ordering the Soy Burger?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Supreme Court Justice David Souter to Retire

Holy Crap. We are in REAL trouble now!

If Justice Souter retires, Obama may have a chance to place a mild liberal judge with a whack-job liberal judge. The 5-4 conservative/liberal split won't change, but I fear for who or what Obama will try to foist on us.

Or, will he replace Souter with another mild liberal-type to appease the moderates, and wait for Justice Ginsberg to retire and replace her with another far-far-left activist judge.

This assessment from the AP is really scary:
Men who have been mentioned as potential nominees include Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

We really are doomed now....