Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama: Making the Ultimate Sacrifice -- Buying New Fed Cars Early!

In prepared remarks today, President Obama outlined his plans to save Chrysler and General Motors.

Mixed in with some interesting and reasonable ideas is this gem:
Therefore, to support demand for auto sales during this period, I'm directing my team to take several steps. First, we will ensure that Recovery Act funds to purchase government cars go out as quickly as possible and work through the budget process to accelerate other federal fleet purchases as well.
In other words, Obama will make sure that federal government fleet cars are replaced more quickly that originally planned. So those government workers will get new cars, whether they are needed or not, as a way of spurring demand for cars; despite the fact that most of us can't get financing to get a car even if we need one.

If Washington artificially spikes demand by buying cars it doesn't need, won't that increase prices, reduce deals, and restrict financing even further?

And, who says Obama's not looking out for you...

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