Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Outrage: DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!!

A magician is successful if he can distract your attention from what he is really doing; it's called sleight of hand. He does something with his right hand so you don't see what he is doing with his left hand.

That is what this fabricated outrage over the AIG bonuses is: it is sleight of hand; it is a distraction that Obama and his fellow Liberals are trying to pull over your eyes so you don't see what he is really doing.

Some estimates have Obama's spending costing this country $9 trillion dollars. That's $9,000,000,000,000. The ultimate cost of the $800 billion "stimulus" package is estimated to be over $3 trillion. That's $3,250,000,000,000.

Obama is getting all choked up with anger over $165 million handed out through legally binding contracts to executives at AIG. Are you joking Barack?
According to AIG, they were advised that not only are they obligated to pay by March 15, but if they try to ignore the contracts, the penalty is paying double. AIG says the Connecticut Wage Act, as well as employment laws in France, Japan, the U.K. and Hong Kong, could give employees legal recourse to quit and sue.
The U.S. government has given AIG $170 billion in recent months. These bonus that have everyone in such a tizzy represent less than 1% of the money! Where is the outrage that the Feds spent $170 billion of OUR money to prop up this company?

Where is the outrage that we gave $25 billion to General Motors only to have them come back for more?

Where is the outrage at Obama spending $800 billion on this so-called "stimulus" package, only to have Nancy Pelosi call for ANOTHER "stimlus" package.

If you are angry with AIG over the way they are spending this tiny fraction of bailout funds (assuming the money for these contracts was not already put aside, and not coming from the bailout), then you are being duped. Taken for a fool. A sucker.

The O-bots tried to distract us for a couple of weeks with pumped-up anger at radio and television talk-show hosts. That failed.

Now, they are trying to get us all hot-and-bothered that a company would actually honor contracts to its employees.

We have members of Congress actually planning to use the U.S. tax code to target specific individuals. This is absolutely unprecedented and anti-constitutional, if not outright UN-constitutional.

Don't fall for the shell game. Don't fall for the smoke and mirrors.

Don't be hoodwinked by this administration and it's radical left-wing goons who want you to think that honoring a legally-binding contract is somehow evil and wrong.

Whether or not these AIG clowns "deserve" this money is not ours for debate. They are owed this money and any move by the Democrats to steal it back is what is evil and wrong.

"It is time that we stop rewarding failure," Rep. Elijah Cummings wrote in a letter Monday to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

I couldn't agree more. How about we start by getting rid of the program to bail out people who don't pay their mortgage.