Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama: Is Paying for "Skyrocketing" Electricity Rates Patriotic, Too?

Do you use electricity in your home?

If so, get ready to pay A LOT more for your electricity under president Barack Obama.

In Obama's own words, under his plans, "electricity would necessarily skyrocket."

Obama's plans would "bankrupt the coal industry;” Again his own words.

Where the U.S. creates more than 50% of its electricity from coal, "bankrupting the coal industry" would devastate electricity rates in this country.

Obama's camp defends these suggestions stating that Obama is talking about the "need to transition from coal burning power plants built with old technology to plants built with advanced technologies."

So, until these new technologies become available, open your checkbook and get ready to pay more to light your house, run your computer, play those video games, and in many cases, heat your home.

It's not too late.

Vote N'Obama on November 4.

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