Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama: Health Reform is Like "Belts and Suspenders"

For the best speaker in the history of the World, President Obama has had more than his share of unintentional laughers in the past several days.

On a conference call and video forum to "200,000 of his most loyal supporters," Barack told the crowd that health care reform is like a "belt" and "suspenders."
"This is sort of like the belt-and-suspenders concept to keep up your pants," (Obama) said. "You know, the insurance reforms are the belt. The public option can be the suspenders.
Does that mean that the two are redundant? We can do with one and not the other, but don't need both? Does anybody know what that means?

Not that I am going to get all "wee-wee'd up" about a verbal gaffe or two. After all, maybe he's just "having problems" like the U.S. Postal Service.

Well, the one good thing is that it is the Jewish New Year, and maybe Obama can make a resolution to stop making these phonetic faux-pas.
...the Jewish New Year won’t take place until September 18th. In fact, today marks the beginning of the month of Elul, the last month before the New Year begins. And yet (during in his conference call with 1,000 rabbis) the president said “shanah tovah [happy new year] to all of you.” This is kind of like wishing people “Merry Christmas” on Thanksgiving.
Maybe, Obama just needs a vacation. He plans to visit the tony Massachusetts Island of Martha's Vineyard next week. That is, if Hurricane Bill doesn't ruin it for him.

I am sure that I will turn on Letterman tonight and hear ol' Dave start a new segment of Great Moments in Presidential Speeches, as he did for every minor blip in President Bush's verbiage.

Can't wait to get my Obama-isms calendar next year, too.

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