Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama: One Hundred Days, One Hundred Blunders

As most good pundits are today generating their reviews of President Obama's first 100 days as president, I guess this lousy pundit must follow suit.

My grade for Obama? I say D- at best. Some are giving him an "I" for incomplete; I would give him an I for idiot; incompetent; impeachable.

Why? Let me count the ways:
  1. $6.5 billion a day of new debt;and we haven't even started talking Social Security and health care "reforms."
  2. Using fear and threat of "catastrophe" to push through a $800 billion dollar "stimulus" package that will stimulate nothing but Liberal special interest groups;
  3. forcing solvent banks to take federal bailout money they don't need or want;
  4. refusing to take federal bailout money back from banks that don't need or want it;
  5. signing into law a provision allowing AIG execs to get bonuses, then chastising them when they did;
  6. proposing his first budget with a deficit double the previous year's budget;
  7. spending more in 2 weeks than ALL US presidents combined;
  8. asking his cabinet too cut costs by $100 million, only 0.0027% of the annual budget;
  9. ordering the Navy to fire at the Somali pirates only if the hostage is threatened, not at first opportunity. If the US Navy hadn't outsmarted the pirates on their own, they might still be a sea;
  10. releasing details of terrorist interrogation methods for the terrorists to read and learn from;
  11. promising to release Gitmo detainees with no plan on where they will go;
  12. telling the terrorists that we will not press them in anyway to release information to us;
  13. not using the word terrorist or terrorism (man-caused disasters, my arse) to avoid offending Muslims;
  14. refusing to do thing 1 about the swine flu outbreak, such as restricting flights to Mexico or checking people at the airport like Canada and most of Europe are doing;
  15. allowing the government ownership of private business;
  16. pressuring the firing of the CEO of a private business;
  17. issuing massive bailouts for companies that won't change the problems that caused the failure to avoid offending the unions;
  18. trashing the US and its people at every opportunity in Europe and Asia;
  19. listening to South American leaders trash the US and saying nothing or making jokes;
  20. giving a best-buddy handshake to America-hating Hugo Chavez;
  21. accepting a patently anti-American book from Chavez and not saying a thing;
  22. agreeing to meet with Iran president Ahmadinejad without precondition, despite the fact that he is still advocating the destruction on Israel, as recent as last week;
  23. doing nothing to get an American journalist imprisoned in Iran freed, like refusing to meet with Ahmadinejad;
  24. blocking a lawsuit against Iran by the Americans who were held hostage in Iran in 1979
  25. hiring countless tax cheats and frauds;
  26. deciding to pull troops out of Iraq on the same timetable established by Bush -- after telling us he was going to pull troops out "on Day 1;"
  27. giving the British prime minister, a man nearly blind, a set of DVDs that won't work in European players;
  28. giving the British queen an iPod with Obama speeches;
  29. bowing to the Saudi king (the first US president to bow before royalty);
  30. pulling the country sharply towards a European-style socialism;
  31. creating the largest tax hike in US history -- during a recession!;
  32. promising tax cuts to the "middle class" but gaving out advances on Social Security of a paltry $13 a week, not nearly enough to stimulate spending or consumer confidence;
  33. executing financial decisions that drove wall street from well over 9,000 to 6,000 in a few weeks;
  34. doing nothing to stifle talk of prosecuting CIA interrogators who did what they were told to do and that it was legal
  35. suggesting that key decision-makers might face prosecution for allowing interrogation of terrorists that was called legal at the time, and later deemed illegal by a different administration.
  36. issuing a Homeland Security report that suggests returning US military are potential terror threats;
  37. pretending that he was unaware of the scores of thousands of people at hundreds of "Tea Party" protests;
  38. stating that there are "wrong" radio stations and that people who listen to them should be marginalized and treated as such;
  39. sending surrogates to call out by name people in the "wrong television shows" who oppose Obama and his policies;
  40. shutting down the school voucher program in Washington D.C. that allowed students to attend private schools -- despite the fact that he enrolled his kids in a D.C. private school.
OK. So I don't have 100 blunders in 100 days. The New York Post does.

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